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Kolloquium Bibliometrie: Peter van den Besselaar (Kopie 1)

If traditional bibliometrics does not work in computer science, what is the alternative? (4. Juni, 11:30, UdS)

Montag, 4. Juni 2012, 11.30, Campus Uni des Saarlandes, Geb. E1.1, Raum 407

Peter van den Besselaar (VU University Amsterdam): 

If traditional bibliometrics does not work in computer science, what is the alternative?

Increasingly, researchers and research organizations are evaluated and compared in terms of performance, and the request for quantitative indicators has grown. This has resulted in an intensive debate about the reliability, validity and usefulness of bibliometric indicators such as publication and citation counts, the H index and the impact factor. The core of the critique is that the traditional bibliometric databases do not cover all of the output, and citations do not cover all of the impact of research. This is especially an issue in the social sciences, humanities and technical sciences - such as computer science. But if this critique is valid, what would be the way to proceed?

Historically, the development of bibliometric indictors has been driven by data availability, for a long time only the Web of Science. But these indicators lack a theoretical base, something that is urgently needed. More recently, new (mainly WWW) data and (linked) databases are becoming available, and subsequently, efforts are undertaken to build new "altMetrics" for research evaluation, using these data. But again the development is data driven and runs the same risk: data availability defines how research performance is measured.

In his talk, Peter van den Besselaar will present briefly a theoretical framework for research evaluation, leading a different view on the type indicators needed - and to different indicators, reflecting the variety of audiences, and research quality rather than output quantity. Examples of those (alt)Metics will be presented, using traditional (bibliometric) databases and web data. The relevance for computer science will be discussed.



Jeweils montags auf dem Campus der Uni des Saarlandes, 11.30 in Geb. E1 1, Raum 407

Das Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik Schloss Dagstuhl veranstaltet in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität des Saarlandes und der Universität Trier im Sommersemester 2012 ein Kolloquium zum Thema Bibliometrie; die Veranstaltungen finden auf dem Campus der Universität des Saarlandes. Vielfältige Fragestellungen rund um Publikationen werden dabei erörtert.


Montag, 16. Juli 2012, 11.:0, Geb. E1 3, HS 3

Debora Weber-Wulff (HTW Berlin)

Bisherige Veranstaltungen

Montag, 7.Mai 2012, 11:30, Geb. E1 1, Raum 407

Stefanie Haustein (Forschungszentrum Jülich)

Möglichkeiten und Grenzen bibliometrischer Analysen