Als LIPIcs/OASIcs Autor werden Sie per e-mail eingeladen, sich am Dagstuhl Submission Server zu registrierem. Der Server führt Sie dann durch den Veröffentlichungsprozess. Vorabinformationen finden Sie hier:
Dagstuhl Publishing has optimized its workflow in the FAIRCORE4EOSC project by enhancing DSUB and DROPS to simplify the submission and archiving of supplementary materials, especially research software, thus ensuring better integration and long-term accessibility.
In this Call for Use-Case Articles, we solicit submissions of journal articles that describe in detail use-cases (in the form of applications, events, products, services, etc.) that put into practice research on Graph Data & Knowledge (GD&K) per the topics described in TGDK’s Call for Papers
2024 was another very successful year for Dagstuhl Publishing. In addition to the continuous growth of the publishing activity, we were able to achieve improvements in various areas with regard to the quality and quantity of metadata and we were able to expand our services.
The open-access journal Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systems (LITES) is soliciting original articles for a special issue on Industrial Real-Time Systems.
Scammers have been mailing some seminar participants to phish for credit card information. We do not ask for credit card details for room reservations or registrations for participation. Links we send routinely all point to or its sub-domains. Please verify that emails from Dagstuhl are indeed from our domain.
Since this December’s release, hosting the monthly dblp dump snapshots (in both XML and RDF/N-Triples format) has moved to the Dagstuhl Research Online Publication Server (DROPS). This step brings many advantages over the old Apache Directory Listings solution that dblp has been using since the mid-1990s: The DROPS digital library provides a clean and well-structured user interface, metadata and BibTeX records for all datasets are readily available, and required auxiliary files (like the matching DTD files for the XML releases) are always just one click away.
However, the probably most important improvement is that each dblp data release is now (finally!) properly registered for and labeled with a DOI.
Im Rahmen des FAIRCORE4EOSC Projekts stellt Dagstuhl Publishing zwei neue Open Source Komponenten zur Langzeitarchivierung von Software bereit: Der SWH Archive Client und der SWH Deposit Client ermöglichen es, Software-Projekte und deren Metadaten dauerhaft in SoftwareHeritage zu sichern. Diese Tools sind ab sofort öffentlich verfügbar und unterstützen Verlage sowie die wissenschaftliche Community beim nachhaltigen Erhalt digitaler Forschungsergebnisse.
Freitag, 22. November 2024, 18 Uhr, Schloss Dagstuhl:
Prof. Dr. Eduard Arzt ist beim Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik und der Stadt Wadern zu Gast um der interessierten Öffentlichkeit dieses Thema näher zu bringen und danach in einen gemeinsamen Dialog einzusteigen.
Informatiker und Ingenieure aus 11 Ländern und 3 Kontinenten haben sich diese Woche im Schloss Dagstuhl versammelt, um den CO2-Fußabdruck des Internets der Zukunft zu reduzieren.
The dblp Knowledge Graph (dblp KG) is a fully semantic view on all the data and relationships that you can find in the dblp computer science bibliography. It has already proven to be quite useful, as the dblp KG makes sharing dblp’s curated data and combining it with other semantic data sources easy and straightforward. But it also enables us to to launch a new tool that will allow you to generate new insights well beyond the current capabilities of our prepared web pages and our simple text-based search: our brand new dblp SPARQL query service.
More than two years ago, we first published our dblp Knowledge Graph as an dblp RDF dump file. We have since been working on expanding and updating our RDF schema, as well as on adding new semantic relations to the graph. Today, we release our first major extension to the dblp KG: We added publication venues (e.g., journals and conference series) as first-class entities to the graph.
Wirtschafts- und Innovationsminister Jürgen Barke gratuliert dem Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik in Wadern zu erfolgreicher Evaluierung und positiver Förderentscheidung.
With Bib2Doi, Dagstuhl Publishing provides a new web tool that allows authors to enrich their bib-files by quickly adding DOIs, URLs, or missing metadata.
Die Leibniz-Gemeinschaft prüft regelmäßig die hohe wissenschaftliche Qualität aller ihrer Institute. Nach 7 Jahren war es bei Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (LZI) mal wieder soweit und das LZI wurde von einer internationalen Expertenkommission evaluiert