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In this Call for Use-Case Articles, we solicit submissions of journal articles that describe in detail use-cases (in the form of applications, events, products, services, etc.) that put into practice research on Graph Data & Knowledge (GD&K) per the topics described in TGDK’s Call for Papers
Resources play an essential role in various aspects of Computer Science research. In the context of Graph Data & Knowledge, such resources may include benchmarks, datasets, engines, frameworks, interfaces, knowledge graphs, languages, ontologies, pre-trained models, standards, tools, user logs, web applications and services, etc. Unfortunately, despite the advances that such resources enable, the work invested into creating and maintaining them is often undervalued in a research setting.
In this Call for Resource Papers, we solicit submission of journal articles that describe in detail a resource relevant to research on Graph Data & Knowledge per the topics described in TGDK’s Call for Papers.
The special issue "Autonomous Systems and Knowledge Graphs" seeks novel work that tackles theoretical and engineering challenges related to human and machine autonomy benefiting from KGs.
Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge (TGDK) welcomes proposals for Special Issues (SIs) devoted to a specific topic that is within its scope. Successful proposals will focus on research or application areas of emerging significance or for which innovative and novel work is being done.
Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge is an Open Access journal that publishes research contributions relating to the use of graphs for data and knowledge management. Such contributions may be experimental or theoretical in nature, where submissions that combine both aspects are particularly welcome.
We are pleased to announce that a new scientific journal - Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge (TGDK) - has been added to Dagstuhl Publishing's portfolio. TGDK is a Diamond Open Access journal that publishes research contributions relating to the use of graphs for data and knowledge management.