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  • die Informatik-Bibliographiedatenbank dblp


Consolidation of the Bibliometric Basis in Computer Science

June 2011 – May 2013


Funding science needs deliberate decisions but facing the increasing complexity and specialization of research, policy makers find this a daunting task. Looking at the publications of researchers and research groups is an established base for identifying fruitful research. However, the culture of publication within informatics is unique and traditional methods cannot be applied. For informatics the DBLP literature database provides a popular open-source gateway to literature. In a joint project, Leibniz Center for Informatics Schloss Dagstuhl–a world-renowned meeting place for international research groups–and DBLP have started a collaboration to strengthening the value of DBLP.



The project is funded by a grant of the Leibniz Competition (grant SAW-2011-LZI-3).

dblp computer science bibliography