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Publishing News

Article Image: Call for Papers: LITES - Special Issue on Industrial Real-Time Systems

Call for Papers: LITES - Special Issue on Industrial Real-Time Systems

The open-access journal Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systems (LITES) is soliciting original articles for a special issue on Industrial Real-Time Systems.

Dieser Beitrag ist leider nur auf Englisch verfügbar.

The open-access journal Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systems (LITES) is soliciting original articles for a special issue on Industrial Real-Time Systems.

Submission deadline

March, 14 2025


Submission portal

LITES OJS Login / LITES OJS Registration


Guest editors

Daniel Casini, PhD
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna – Pisa, Italy

Qingxu Deng, PhD
Northeastern University, Shenyang, China

Zhishan Guo, PhD (Leading)
NC State University, North Carolina, USA

Wei Jiang, PhD
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China

Haibo Zeng, PhD
Virginia Tech, Virginia, USA


Björn Brandenburg, PhD
Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Kaiserslautern, Germany

Scope of the special issue

Real-time systems and their industrial applications are facing new challenges due to the increasing use of AI/ML techniques, which are extremely complex and often lacking in explainability, and the introduction of connectivity, which creates a larger attack surface for malicious adversaries to exploit. In addition, real-time systems often need to operate with limited resources (e.g., low energy and power envelopes) while maintaining high fidelity (e.g., safety and security) and temporal correctness (e.g., deadline compliance or end-to-end response time guarantees).

To address these challenges, this special issue aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia and provide them with a platform to report on recent developments, deployments, technology trends, research results, and initiatives related to real-time systems and their applications in a variety of industrial environments.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Design and Validation of Real-Time Systems
  • Real-Time Scheduling
  • Real-Time Programming
  • Real-Time Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at the edge
  • Real-Time Edge Computing and its Use Cases
  • Model Checking and Verification
  • Fault Prediction and Fault Tolerance
  • Timing and Performance Analysis
  • Design Space Exploration
  • QoS Mechanisms for Virtualization and Control
  • Energy and Power Aware Real-Time Computing
  • Fault Tolerance & Dependability Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Cyber-Security for Real-Time Systems
  • Probabilities and Uncertainties in Real-Time Systems
  • Response-Time Analysis
  • Temporal aspects in CPS applications, including Transportation Systems, Wireless Health Care, Autonomous Driving, etc.
  • Real-Time Operating Systems and Hypervisors
  • Middleware Frameworks and Runtime Environments

LITES welcomes all submissions that explore the latest research and developments in real-time systems and their industrial applications. In addition, authors of selected papers from SIES 2024 (The 14th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems) are invited to submit extended versions of their papers for consideration for inclusion in the special issue.



Founded in 2014, LITES is the only fully open-access, fully peer-reviewed, truly nonprofit journal on embedded systems backed by an established publisher.

The journal is flexible in the types of articles it publishes. The range of acceptable contributions includes (but is not limited to) regular technical papers, industrial experience reports, replication studies, literature surveys, historical perspectives, position papers, tools papers, and companion papers to open-access research artifacts (such as open-source software and hardware designs, data sets, case studies, challenge problems and competitions, etc.).

LITES welcomes all methods of scientific inquiry, including (but not limited to) systems building and empirical evaluation, mathematical modeling and rigorous proof, formal methods, deployment studies and reflections on “lessons learned” in practice, as well as statistical and empirical methods, surveys of industry practice, and user studies.


The first 20 papers accepted for publication in 2025 will have the usual article processing charge (APC) fully waived, i.e., authors will not be charged any publication fees thanks to sponsorship by EMSIG. APC waivers will be allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis to accepted papers. Papers (co-)authored by members of the editorial board are not eligible for the APC waiver. LITES is published by EMSIG, the EDAA Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems Design, in collaboration with Schloss Dagstuhl Publishing.