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The dblp Knowledge Graph (dblp KG) is a fully semantic view on all the data and relationships that you can find in the dblp computer science bibliography. It has already proven to be quite useful, as the dblp KG makes sharing dblp’s curated data and combining it with other semantic data sources easy and straightforward. But it also enables us to to launch a new tool that will allow you to generate new insights well beyond the current capabilities of our prepared web pages and our simple text-based search: our brand new dblp SPARQL query service.
More than two years ago, we first published our dblp Knowledge Graph as an dblp RDF dump file. We have since been working on expanding and updating our RDF schema, as well as on adding new semantic relations to the graph. Today, we release our first major extension to the dblp KG: We added publication venues (e.g., journals and conference series) as first-class entities to the graph.